Cast from a found Anisoptera dragonfly using lost wax technique, these earrings are solid sterling silver, hallmarked 925.
They come in two lengths: 100mm & 75mm
Dragonflies are symbolic of metamorphosis, among many other things.
Dragonflies have an interesting & often unnoticed lifecycle. They begin as gelatinous eggs, laid directly in creeks, pools & wetlands. They hatch out as larvae nymphs which then go through several stages, called instars, which are marked by the shedding of skin. The nymph phase can last from a few months to seven years. The nymphs are very small during the first instar, but as they continue to molt they become increasingly larger. The aquatic life phase ends when the nymphs are strong enough to leave the water by crawling up a plant stem, rock or log. Once exposed to the air they begin metamorphosis & the adult emerges from the last nymphal skin. The adult Dragonflies then spend the rest of their life living terrestrially, coming back to the water with a lover to lay another clutch of gelatinous eggs.